KineticGas - 2.0.0
See the structure docs for more information.
The primary responsibilities of the python-side and C++ side of the package are
- Python-side
- KineticGas parent class
- Compute transport coefficients using Sonine polynomial expansion coefficients, RDF at contact and collision diameter by C++ model, and thermodynamic factors supplied by ThermoPack model
- Inheriting classes
- Read parameters from fluid database
- Initialize corresponding C++ model
- Initialize corresponding ThermoPack model
- KineticGas parent class
- C++ Side
- KineticGas (abstract class)
- Derived classes implement collision integrals, RDF at contact and collision diameter.
- Evaluate square bracket integrals, using collision integrals implemented in derived classes
- Build matrices to compute Sonine polynomial expansion coefficients using square bracket integrals and RDF at contact implemented in derived classes
- Spherical (abstract class)
- Numerical solvers for evaluating collision integrals
- Derived classes must implement interaction potential with first and second derivatives.
- MieKinGas (concrete class)
- Implements interaction potential - such that collision integrals can be evaluated by methods in Spherical
- Implements RDF at contact
- Implements collision diameter
- KineticGas (abstract class)
Stuff is illustrated here as well:
File system
: The C++ source code and headers for KineticGas
: The C++ source code and headers for the integration module used to evaluate the collision integrals.
: Example files for doing computations
: Python source code for the package
: Tests that are run after compiling
: Fluid parameter database
: (Not in use, should be made up to date)
: Documentation