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The MieKinGas class, found in pykingas/, inherrits from the MieType class, and is the interface to the RET-Mie Model. This class implements utility methods to access mixing parameters etc.

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Methods to initialise RET-Mie model.

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__init__(self, comps, mole_weights=None, sigma=None, eps_div_k=None, la=None, lr=None, lij=0, kij=0, N=4, is_idealgas=False, use_eos=None, parameter_ref='default')

If parameters are explicitly supplied through optional arguments, these will be used instead of those in the database. To supply specific parameters for only some components, give None for the components that should use the database value


     comps (str) :

          Comma-separated list of components

     mole_weights (1D array) :

          Molar weights [g/mol]

     sigma (1D array) :

          sigma-parameters [m]

     eps_div_k (1D array) :

          epsilon parameter / Boltzmann constant [-]

     la, lr (1D array) :

          attractive and repulsive exponent of the pure components [-]

     lij (float) :

          Mixing parameter for sigma (lij > 0 => smaller sigma_12, lij < 0 => larger sigma_12)

     kij (float) :

          Mixing parameter for epsilon (kij > 0 => favours mixing, kij < 0 => favours separation)

     use_eos :

          (thermopack eos object, optional) EoS to use (initialized), defaults to saftvrmie