Methods in the multiparam class
ThermoPack - 2.2
The multiparam
class, found in addon/pycThermopack/thermopack/
, inherits from the thermo
class, and is the interface to the
Multiparameter Equations of State. Selection of different multiparameter equations of state is done by passing an identifier string to the constructor. For information on available multiparameter equations of state, see the page on available equations of state.
Table of contents
Methods to initialise Multiparameter model.
Table of contents
__init__(self, comps=None, eos=None, reference_state='DEFAULT')
Initialize multiparameter EOS
Unless both parameters are specified, model must be initialized for specific components later by direct call
to ‘init’. Model can at any time be re-initialized for new components or parameters by direct calls to ‘init’
comps (str, optional):
Comma separated list of component names
eos (str, optional):
Equation of state. (NIST_MEOS, MBWR32, MBWR19)
reference_state (str):
Reference state. (“DEFAULT”, “IIR”, “NBP”, “ASHRAE”, “IDGAS”, “TRIPLE_POINT”)
init(self, comps, eos, reference_state='DEFAULT')
Initialize multiparameter EOS
comps (str):
Comma separated list of component names
eos (str):
Equation of state. (NIST_MEOS, MBWR32, MBWR19, MEOS, GERG2008)
reference_state (str):
Reference state. (“DEFAULT”, “IIR”, “NBP”, “ASHRAE”, “IDGAS”, “TRIPLE_POINT”)