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The ext_csp class, found in addon/pycThermopack/thermopack/, inherits from the thermo class, and is the interface to the Extended Corresponding states Equation of State. This class implements utility methods to access mixing parameters etc.

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Methods to initialise Extended Corresponding states model.

Table of contents

__init__(self, comps=None, sh_eos=None, sh_alpha=None, sh_mixing=None, ref_eos=None, ref_comp=None, ref_alpha='Classic', parameter_reference='Default')

Initialize extended corredsponding state model model.

          Unless all of the optional arguments that default to None are specified, model must be initialized

          for specific components later by direct call to ‘init’.

          Model can at any time be re-initialized for new components or parameters by direct calls to ‘init’



     comps (str, optional):

          Comma separated list of component names

     sh_eos (str, optional):

          Shape factor equation of state

     sh_alpha (str, optional):

          Shape factor alpha

     sh_mixing (str, optional):

          Shape factor mixing rules

     ref_eos (str, optional):

          Reference equation of state

     ref_comp (str, optional):

          Reference component

     ref_alpha (str, optional):

          Needed if refEos is a cubic eos. Should not be present if one want to use an mbwr reference eos. Defaults to “Classic”

     parameter_reference (str, optional):

          Identefier for parameters set. Defaults to “Default”.


init(self, comps, sh_eos, sh_alpha, sh_mixing, ref_eos, ref_comp, ref_alpha='Classic', parameter_reference='Default')

Initialize extended corredsponding state model model.


     comps (str):

          Comma separated list of component names

     sh_eos (str):

          Shape factor equation of state

     sh_alpha (str):

          Shape factor alpha

     sh_mixing (str):

          Shape factor mixing rules

     ref_eos (str):

          Reference equation of state

     ref_comp (str):

          Reference component

     ref_alpha (str):

          Needed if refEos is a cubic eos. Should not be present if one want to use an mbwr reference eos. Defaults to “Classic”

     parameter_reference (str, optional):

          Identefier for parameters set. Defaults to “Default”.